Electropuncture foundations by the method of Shimmel.
Vegetative Resonance test.

Scientific - industrial corporation "NPK MEDSTAN" 
are spelling seminars

Electropuncture foundations by the method of Shimmel.
Vegetative Resonance test.

Plan of seminar (4 educational days)

           I. Foundations and peculiar properties by the method of Vegetative Resonance test (VRT).

  1. History of begining this method
  2. Foundations of the method
  3. General adaptation reactions and their connection with such criterias by the method of Vegetative Resonance test (VRT).
  4. Technic dimensions
  5. Diagnostic resonance measuring device scales and simulation
  6. Biology indexes.
  7. Photon indexes.
  8. Training on medical equipments.

II. Integral and frequency-domain criterias in diagnostic by the method of Vegetative Resonance test (VRT). (part 1).

  1. Adaptation working balances.
  2. Determination blockades.
  3. Diagnostic centeres.
  4. Diagnostic loades: geopathogenic, radioactive,  loade with electromagnetic field.
  5. Determination toxic loade.
  6. Determination  charges after infectious agentes.
  7. Stomatologic testing.
  8. Diagnostic intestinal disbioses.
  9. Training on medical equipments.

III. Integral and frequency-domain criterias in diagnostic by the method of Vegetative Resonance test (VRT). (part 2).

  1. Determination functioning lymphatic systems and determination her degree.
  2. Determination psycho-emotional status and  psycho- vegetative loades.
  3. Estimation position vegetative nervous system with degrees of loades and emaciations.
  4. Diagnostic allergy 
  5. Diagnostic deficiency
  6. Test of the threshold crossing such endogenous metabolites and individual pathological position.
  7. Training on medical equipments.

IV. New diagnostic createrias and algoritmes by the method of Vegetative Resonance test (VRT). 

  1. Determination degree bactericide biologic liquid and tissues of the organism.
  2. Determination group levels of healthh by George Vitulkas
  3. Morphological diagnostic by the method of Vegetative Resonance test (VRT) and  resonance diagnostic scales  AF è HL for her realizations.
  4. Medicaments testing.
  5. Photon resonance test. 
  6. Diagnostic algoritmes.
  7. Training on medical equipments.

Beginning of the extension courses as staffing groups.
To apply for information and  prerecord:

(telephone)        7-095-299-08-75; 
(fax)                  7-095-





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